Road Racing in Fall 2021
In case you didn’t already know….
How it feels that in person racing is coming back
Although we have seen a spike in running since the pandemic started, it’s also been a weird year and a half without in person racing.
Many have been chasing segments on Strava, and honestly many have struggled without a clear race to train for in mind. But finally we’re here and it’s been a while since we’ve been able to get on a starting line without limits on field sizes and social distancing.
It’s no secret that things are a little different now even though some things are getting back to normal. When getting back on the starting line, here’s some tips for staying safe and motivated during your fall racing build ups!
1.Keep yourself on a schedule, even if you’re working from home.
This one would be so hard for me if I didn’t have organized practice times. As someone who tends to procrastinate, I totally get putting your run off until later in the day or running at different times during the week. In order to make sure you’re getting your training in and recovering properly, try to schedule time for your training during the day. For some this is easy because they have to get to work, but of your job has changed because of the pandemic it can be hard to motivate yourself to go at the same time every morning. Hold yourself accountable with friends and run groups or write it down in your planner to make sure you’re staying on top of it.
2. If you feel comfortable, try joining a running group again to help with motivation and accountability when training for a race.
While training with this crew has been a blast. I’m looking forward to seeing more start lines this year
Many running groups and in-person training camps have returned!
I know I’m the kind of athlete who needs accountability from teammates and coaches to really motivate me to do my best in training and hit my goals.
Being away from training partners and friends for the past year has been a drag, but now that we can start being in groups again, joining a team or signing up for a camp can be a game changer when training for race day.
3. Give yourself extra time to pack for travel before races and training camps--things are a little more complicated now.
Now that races are in person, travelling is back! Travelling is one of my favorite parts of racing, but it’s been a little bit more complicated since 2020. Most airlines are still requiring face coverings, so make sure you pack extra in your luggage just in case. I always keep an extra in my carry-on bag just in case I misplace mine.
I also make sure I have hand sanitizer in small quantities in my carry on as well.
I always make a written list before packing so that I can make sure I have all my race gear.
4. If you were lucky enough to make it into a race with limited capacity, remember to enjoy every step of the journey--many people wish they were in your spot!
This is one I need to keep in perspective for myself even as a professional athlete. Being able to race through the pandemic has really reminded me of how lucky I was to have the opportunity to race over the past year. Lining up, looking around, and not seeing large crowds of people eagerly waiting to race made me sad, but also feel so grateful for the opportunities I had.
Whether training for a marathon major or a local 5k, remember how lucky you are to have this opportunity! Putting things into perspective and practicing gratitude can help you make the most of your experience.
We’d love to help talk over your Fall 2021 racing schedule, feel free to schedule a consultation with me or any of our coaches on our contact page!