Blackbeard's Revenge - 100-Miler Training Plan - 20 Weeks

Blackbeard's Revenge - 100-Miler Training Plan - 20 Weeks


Beginner Option:

If this is your first time running 100 miles or you are looking to feel confident in finishing the distance this plan is for you. This training plan will have you feeling confident in completing the distance and preparing for the little elements that make a big difference on race day. The schedule starts with long runs of 16 miles and will slowly build up to 36 miles in length.

Advanced Option:

If you're looking to challenge yourself for a 100 mile/course PR or are a higher mileage runner, this plan is for you. This plan schedule is intended to prepare you for all things that could happen over 100 miles. The schedule starts with long runs of 18 miles and slowly builds to 40 miles in length. This schedule features back to back hard runs on the weekends to best prepare you for the time on feet.

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