Tierney Grandis

Chapel Hill, NC


When did you join TWB?


Primary Focus?

Sanity. And looking okay in a bikini in my 40s


Over 40 yo or under 😉?

Long Term Running Goals?

Run when I’m 80.

Favorite Race?

Fastest to the dessert table.

Favorite Running Shoes?


Favorite Part of being a TWB Runner?

Caleb making me stronger

Reward for a good race?

Chocolate Ice Cream

What motivates you to run?

My introvert reset time.

If I didn’t get into running …

Momming, Doctoring, Pianioing, Sleeping, and making up verbs.

What race are you most proud of?

Cincinnati Flying Pig; ran this after a groin pull and a series of shin splints as a warm up to a marathon

Where you wish you could run..


Pre-Race Meal

chickpea pasta; kale pesto and beyond sausage brats.

What is your PROUDEST PR?

Tuna run. Middle of the night through cotton fields with coyote howls. Very fast.

What is your favorite Workout?

Woods by myself.

Hot Chocolate or coffee?

Hot Chocolate

You can’t run without…

My Brooks.

T-Shirt or Sweater?


Rain or Snow?


Superman or Batman?

Wonder Woman

Puzzles or BOARD GAMES?


Short shorts or tights?

Short shorts