Marvin Quinn

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Marvin Quinn

When did you join TWB?

December, 2020

Primary Focus?

Staying healthy and consistent with running


1/2 Marathon: 2:19:06 Phoenix Half

Long Term Running Goals

Improve my time in the Half Marathon by running quicker and comfortably

Pre-Race Superstition

Did I warm up to much

Favorite Part of being a TWB Runner

Having a coach that cares about my training

If you could run with one person in history who would it be?

Way to many to chose from. Any of the following: Frank Shorter, Bill Rogers, Steve Prefontaine, Joan Benoit Samulson or Mary Decker Slaney

If you’re not running your…

looking for something to be active

Your favorite part of running where you live is…

Being able to go out my front door and having a variety of landscapes to run

You got start running when…

7th Grade - Junior Olympics

The coolest place you ever ran was…

U.S.- Duluth, MN; Europe - Lucerne Switzerland

Favorite workout?


Oceans or Mountains?


Chocolate or Vanilla?


Night Owl or Early Riser?

Early riser

Long Run or Speed work?

Speed work

Cat or Dog?
