Madison Heidenburg

Richmond, VA


When did you join TWB?

December 2019

Primary Focus?

I would really like to improve my overall "quick" speed as well as break 3 hours in the Marathon within the next year or two as


1/2 Marathon: 1:30:40, Marathon: 3:07:38

Long Term Running Goals?

If your asking for a long term goal as within the next 10 years, I would say, break 2:50 in the Marathon. I absolutely love running, it is a huge part of who I am. I would love to run as long as possible. I see people running Marathons in their 70’s and I think to myself “I would love to be able to keep my running career going that long.”

Favorite Race?

Boston. The Course is hard as hell, but the atmosphere is INCREDIBLE

Favorite Running Shoes?

Nike Pegasus

Favorite Part of being a TWB Runner?

The support!

Reward for a good race?

Chocolate Ice Cream

Favorite Race?

Fastest to the dessert table.

Favorite Running Shoes?


Favorite Part of being a TWB Runner?

Caleb making me stronger

Reward for a good race?

Chocolate Ice Cream

What motivates you to run?

The people!! My job moves me around a lot, but it never seems to be an issue because usually within one - two weeks of being in a new state I already have made a running community that quickly becomes close friends that make the transition easier.

If you’re not running you’re…

Eating Peanut Butter. You could say I have an addiction.

Where you wish you could run..


What is your PROUDEST PR?

My Marathon PR of 3:07 that happened in Fall of 2018. However, I know I have a much faster time in me, so my proudest PR is yet to come.

What is your favorite Workout?

Progression Runs/Anything Long

I can’t run without….

My Garmin watch. If I don't have my watch I honestly feel naked.

T-Shirt or Sweater?


Rain or Snow?


Superman or Batman?


Puzzles or BOARD GAMES?

Board Games

Short shorts or tights?

Short shorts