Dino Dedic

New Rochelle, NY

Dino Dedic

When did you join TWB?

January 2020

Primary Focus?

General fitness and improving speed


10K: 47:43 1/2 Marathon: 1:44:35

Long Term Running Goals?

3:30 marathon

Favorite Part of being a TWB Runner?

Tailored weekly schedule in order to stay on track

What motivates you to run?

All you need is shoes...hard to make up excuses

What is your PROUDEST PR?

Only ran one marathon. Goal was to make it a 3-handle...nailed it with 3:58:23

What is your favorite Workout?

pushing the limits

I can’t run without….

Audio books...great way to combine physical with mental activity

T-Shirt or Sweater?


Rain or Snow?


Superman or Batman?


Puzzles or BOARD GAMES?

board games