Ashley Goodman

Boone, NC

Ashley Goodman

When did you join TWB?

August 2016

Primary Focus?

Becoming a better, stronger, faster trail runner


Black Mtn Marathon: 2:24:09; Iron Mtn 30-miler: 5:11:11; Table Rock 50k: 5:57:34; Looking Glass 50-miler: 10:57:29

Long Term Running Goals

Staying competitive in the overall female and female masters for as long as I can

Pre-Race Superstition

Listening to Josh Newmann's "Yuba" and reading shape notes

Favorite Part of being a TWB Runner

The community, the positive energy, the stellar coaching

If you could run with one person in history who would it be?

Katherine Switzer

If you’re not running your…

Playing music (guitar and piano), playing with my daughter, strength training, work, house maintenance

Your favorite part of running where you live is…

Running through the woods and up/down beautiful mountains with my dog Lucky

You got start running when…

In 2012, when our daughter was born and road cycling seems too dangerous and time consuming

The coolest place you ever ran was…

MST and Linville Gorge

Favorite workout?

Boone Fork loop (waterfalls)

Oceans or Mountains?

Um, both, because I am fortunate to have houses at/on both

Chocolate or Vanilla?


Night Owl or Early Riser?

Early riser

Long Run or Speed work?

Long run

Cat or Dog?
